Cinzia Donato

Cinzia Donato

Company: Hera Biotech

Job title: Chief Operating Officer


Panel Discussion: The Array of Perspectives on Endometriosis: From Biotech to Doctor to Patient 9:30 am

Reaffirming the perspective of the patient to appreciate the current journey in alleviating symptoms experienced with endometriosis Hearing the current stance of clinicians and doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis and the goals of healthcare services in the near future Elevating the variance in symptoms and symptom severity to create a more holistic…Read more

day: Day 2

Mapping the Pre-Clinical to Clinical Pathway for Women’s Health Diagnostic & Therapeutic Tools to Drive Clinical Advancements 9:45 am

Outlining the current pre-clinical tools in use to convey proof of concept effectively with the limited availability of effective models Aligning industry around the most optimal way to collect data which creates a thorough foundation for IND submission Implementing a proactive, early-stage approach to develop the most comprehensive assays to showcase the safety and functionality…Read more

day: Day 1

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